Other important links:
website for general information
da.link career services for students and alumni. The DA offers a broad range of opportunities for students and alumni to actively prepare themselves for their chosen international careers.
The da.link programme is tailored to our students' and alumni's individual needs and career choices.

Alumni Association
ClubDA. ClubDA is the Alumni Association of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies. Membership is open to all graduates and friends of the DA who would like to support ClubDA’s goals.
DA Wien Connect -
Connect: Find and reminisce with fellow graduates, see what they have been up to and stay in touch.
Give back: Introduce, employ and offer to act as a mentor to our graduating students.
Expand: Leverage your professional network to get introduced to people you should know.

DA MOODLE - The e-learning platform of the Vienna School of International Studies!